
The Power of the ACPEQ Conference

The Power of the ACPEQ Conference

Last spring a little seed buried deeply within my consciousness started to germinate. It was called homeschooling. I welcomed it with enthusiasm and began to water it daily by becoming more informed on this subject. I soon realized that this was a complex project that required an execution which left little margin for error since my children were in secondary 4 and secondary 2 (Grades 10 and 8) at the
time. The more information I accumulated, the more I realized that I needed to go beyond just reading.

By God’s grace, I found the ACPEQ Conference just in time to decide I would take the plunge. The conference was the catalyst for this marvellous adventure that homeschooling is. At the Conference, I found a passionate and experienced homeschooling team that organized a powerful virtual conference covering everything I needed to know. I discovered inspiring and authentic people that generously shared not only their experiences, their knowledge and their documents but also their enthusiasm and love of homeschooling. They made my homeschooling project possible and come alive for me. I assiduously attended most of the conferences and workshops and by the end of the conference, I was feeling ready and especially confident that I could do it. I had a good understanding of the steps to follow and I felt like I had increased experience through the testimonials of the speakers. I also had real tools in hand to embark on the homeschooling journey.

Now the little seed has become a marvellous flower. Our first year of homeschooling is well on its way and all is good. The advice and the knowledge that I gained at the conference brought about good results. For me, the ACPEQ conference symbolizes the wings that allowed me to soar and to have the
courage to jump into the unknown world of homeschooling.

A heartfelt thank you to the amazing ACPEQ Conference team. I am really looking forward to this year’s conference to discover the sessions, workshops and information that you will share with us.



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