Communiqué to Members – Health Restrictions

Dear Members, With the pandemic that continues and could remain for some time, the homeschool community is limited in its freedoms by health restrictions aimed at combating this pandemic.   In particular, prohibiting families from seeing each other hinders the healthy development of our children, both socially and academically. To this end, in collaboration with…

Communiqué to Membres – restrictions October 2020

Dear Members, The evolution of the pandemic and the addition of restrictions, such as in the red zones, has become a major concern for all the families we represent. This morning the multi-association group was in communication with the DEM to highlight the fact that forbidding the socialization of our children is damaging to their…

New at ACPEQ: a support group for parents of teenagers!

New at ACPEQ: a support group for parents of teenagers! On August 20th, a first Zoom meeting took place between parents of teenagers who are members of ACPEQ. The objectives of this meeting were as follows: Objective 1 : To facilitate the meeting and socialization of ACPEQ teens with each other, through different means. Objective…

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