Equitable access to post-secondary education

Photo par Andrés Gerlotti on Unsplash


Dear members and friends,


Every year in Quebec, the 48 public CEGEPs and the 18 universities of the province organize at least one open house day.

Since many of these establishments will be having their open houses in the coming days, we encourage ACPEQ members to take a few hours to visit one or more of these institutions, acting as ambassadors for the homeschool community.

The goal is to raise awareness and inform the professionals of these institutions of the existence of candidates who have been homeschooled, their teaching method having been recognized by the Quebec Ministry of Education, and to sound out how open they are to receiving a dossier/portfolio submitted by this type of candidate.

Seeing as this can have an impact on the rest of your children’s high school studies, we recommend opening these lines of communication and starting visits early on in the process.  We, therefore, encourage all parents who have children at any high school level to visit the CEGEPs or universities that offer programs of interest.

The institutions want to hear from parents, but you must take the first steps.  Louise Frazer, from HSLDA, can give you advice/counsel and perhaps even accompany you when possible.   You can reach her at 819.909.6928 or Louise@hslda.ca.

There remains a large gap in identifying concrete actions that can be taken in order to bring about improvements to ensure equitable access to post-secondary education, training and other learning opportunities for homeschooler graduates. Making our voices heard can make a difference. Lobbying our CEGEPs and Universities will give us even more leverage in the future to raise this question as we continue to work this out with the DEM.

Please keep us informed of the results of your interactions.  This will help us to better understand the current situation and will guide us in determining our future actions.  Let us know the name of the school visited, the coordinates of the people met, and a summary of your experience.  We will then be equipped to follow up with them appropriately as needed.

Through your personal involvement, you greatly contribute to the outcome of homeschooling in Quebec; to the benefit of many families right now, as well as for generations to come.

Here are some examples of upcoming open houses:


Open house sessions in CEGEPs – 2019


Open houses in the universities – 2019


In the Ottawa region


If your institution of choice is not on this list, you can find all of the recognized public post-secondary institutions in Quebec here.  Click on those that interest you to learn when their open houses take place.  If your chosen institution does not hold an open house, you can still ask to meet with them.



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ACPEQ is composed of dedicated volunteers who generously invest their time and talents to advance and support the cause of homeschooling.

A large number of volunteer families within ACPEQ is essential to enable us to offer the services that support homeschooling, improve support for members, and create a welcoming atmosphere in our association. A wide volunteer base is what will permit us to influence the next generation of homeschooling families. Be involved – become an ACPEQ volunteer.



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