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October 2022 Newsletter

A Word form the President

Hello dear members and friends,

It is with a twinge of sadness that I am writing you my last message as president after many years with ACPEQ, serving and representing you with my wonderful wife, Sylvie, by my side, both at conferences and in dealings with the government. Indeed, we have decided to leave our positions to allow fresh and energetic leaders to continue this work which is so beneficial to the Christian children and families of Quebec.

Thus, on October 10th, Thanksgiving Day, I will pass the torch to another dedicated Christian servant, David Maurais. He will be supported by his wife Sylvie, who is responsible for the Association’s monthly evenings of prayer.

Other appointments have been made. Jodler Vital has taken on the role of Vice President and Spokesperson, well supported by his wife Barthélémy, who is responsible for the support group leaders.

These changes come at a time when we have navigated unexpected storms: both the Roberge regulation and the pandemic. We now seem to be sailing in less troubled waters. I say this not because the Roberge regulation is behind us, as it remains a major irritant and one that cannot be ignored. The past year of mandatory ministerial exams has highlighted many flaws within the Ministry of Education, notably at the level of the school boards and service centres, and the resulting complications encountered by families. In spite of this, many of ‘our’ children have distinguished themselves by obtaining results that are often well beyond the expectations of professionals.

We thank all the persons with whom we have worked over the past twenty years. They and you have helped us to grow in faith and in the love of Christ.

I invite you to persevere in your ministry to your children. I remain convinced that the choice to homeschool is a choice that honors God. As I write these final words, the biblical passage that comes to my heart is this one, as Jesus uses the vine as an illustration:

“If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” John 15:7 (NKJV)

Persevere, take heart and be blessed.

Love, in Jesus,

Sylvie & Patrice

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