Mid-term report

Dear ACPEQ members and friends,

In order to conform to the regulation on homeschooling, we would like to remind you that you must prepare a written report on your child’s learning progress for the Directorate of Homeschooling (DEM). We would encourage you to consult The Companion Guide to Homeschooling in Quebec provided by HSLDA and ACPEQ which you will find here in the members’ section. You must be logged in to have access to this document. You can use this template or one of your own design. The status and mid-term reports must be sent between the 3rd and 5th month after the beginning of your implementation of the learning project. If you began in September, this would correspond to December, January, or February.

The status report indicates the learning activities completed by subject or by field of study, the approximate time allocated to them, and, if applicable, any change made to the learning project.

The mid-term report is a summary statement of your child’s progress thus far. You do not have to provide any other documentation to prove their progress at this time. You must simply indicate whether your child is progressing according to the plan you drew up. For example, you could indicate that in mathematics your child is progressing better than expected, in French he is progressing normally, and in English, he is progressing slowly (these examples are given as suggestions only).

The HSLDA / ACPEQ template provides a space for the learning activities completed by subject or by field of study, the approximate time allocated to them, and, if applicable, any change made to the learning project (status report) as well as a space to indicate the progress of the child (mid-term report).

So far, the DEM has not yet been in contact with all the families. If you are one of these families, please be patient! The comments that we have received from families that have had interactions with the DEM have been positive and constructive to date.

On another point, representatives from the Association will soon be meeting with the DEM’s consultants in order to contribute to the writing of the “good practices guide”. We especially wish to thank the five families that were willing to work in conjunction with the DEM.

Please do not hesitate to contact us about any situation with the DEM that seems problematic or difficult.

Thank you for the support (and encouragement) that you show through your prayers and involvement.

Patrice Boileau, ing., MBA


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