Message from the President

Merry Christmas

Dear members and friends,

As we approach the celebration of Christmas, which is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord, I am expressing a little editorial, before offering you my greetings.

Every year, as Christians, we have the incredible occasion to make a difference in the lives of our loved ones, friends, neighbours and colleagues, especially in this time of pandemic!

Our Quebec society, which is tending more and more to become secular by no longer wanting to talk about Christmas, but about the holiday season, was striving more than ever to SAVE CHRISTMAS. What a paradox, isn’t it!

And this year, several political leaders have asked to decorate and illuminate our properties. Let us remember that Jesus is the light of the world. What a paradox, isn’t it!

Furthermore, as parent educators, we have an extraordinary opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of those we care most about: our children. Despite the constraints and adversity we may encounter in raising and educating our children, this is, without a doubt, the most important investment we as parents can make in being the true influencers of their lives. Let us strive, during this Christmas season, but also at all times, to excel with our children, and to bless our communities by demonstrating the added value of our family’s choice. Let us exchange gifts, not for commercial reasons, but to remind ourselves that the greatest and most beautiful gift is Jesus and His Love for us.

I wish you, with the Grace of God, a very Merry Christmas and a year 2021 blessed with Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

On behalf of myself and the members of the Board,



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