Message from the President
A Beautiful Summer to Recharge Your Batteries
Dear members and friends,
At the time this is being written, the curfew has been lifted for 2 days across Quebec! If this government decision does not directly affect our homeschool activities, the easing of other health measures allows us to hope for pleasant summer activities and especially for the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year when the support groups should finally be able to resume.
Recap on our 2021 International Virtual Conference
It was a conference for which we had a very large number of registrations, nearly 200, which is our 2nd highest number in recent years. You all participated in high numbers in the many presentations and various workshops throughout the week. The comments received were abundant and complimentary. They have inspired our organizers. Once again, I would like to thank Sylvie Crasci, my wonderful wife and conference coordinator, as well as Josée Robitaille, support group coordinator, for their incredible involvement. Without them and their tireless work, our families could not have been edified and blessed with such rich and diverse content throughout the 6 busy days of the conference.
2021 Graduation Ceremony – July 3, 2021
Just a reminder that for the first time we will be holding the graduation ceremony outside of the annual conference. We will have a group of 9 young people with whom I had the opportunity to speak with Desiree Rehel at the conference. The ceremony is anticipated with great excitement by these young women and men who are preparing to become committed adults, being responsible both socially and spiritually. I am very excited about this. We will keep you informed through our website. Remember to check it out.
I am happy to announce that Rob Mongeau has accepted the responsibility of managing the website. We are happy to have him as one of our valued volunteers.
A multi-association meeting was held with the DEM on Tuesday, June 1st. We were informed of some of their plans for the upcoming school year and hopefully, we also ironed out some of the kinks.
Training and evaluation by competencies
As mentioned at the conference, we are determining the possibilities of holding a conference or workshops, at the end of the summer – beginning of the fall, in order to better assist families in understanding this notion that is favoured by the DEM for learning projects.
Support Group
I invite you to participate in the activities of your support group. If you don’t already have one, don’t wait any longer and contact the person in charge of your area or contact Josée who can direct you. You will find the information on the website.
Regional Conference: A first one in September?
As mentioned at the conference, I would like to hold regional conferences depending on the interest shown by any support group that would like to organize it with the support of the Board of Directors and the volunteers of the Association. We are in discussion with group leaders in one area who are cooking up their idea for a regional conference in September. This is not to be missed!
Provincial Election 2022
The next election will be an opportunity to inform candidates from all parties of the benefits of homeschooling but also the constraints that are imposed by the current regulations. To this end, I invite any who are interested to join me in brainstorming on what strategies, if any, should be put in place. Please write to me at
In closing, I would like to wish you a wonderful summer. Re-energize, renew your friendships and draw closer to the Lord as you enjoy the beautiful nature that he has granted us in our province.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Rom. 15:13
With friendship in Jesus, may you be blessed.