Information and request for collaboration

Dear ACPEQ members and friends,

We would like to ask for your cooperation and inform you of the latest developments in our association.

On the one hand, families have submitted their learning project on September 30th. We know that some families have already been contacted by Ministry or School Board officials. We would appreciate your feedback on this first contact with these representatives. Also, if you have questions or doubts about any aspects of this contact, please let us know. This information will be very useful for us as we evaluate the current procedures, and will help in the work to be done by the Advisory Board. Please contact

We are also pleased to inform you that several people have agreed to become more actively involved with ACPEQ. We gratefully thank the following for their availability:

  • Alexandre Gauvin (Lévis) who will act as Webmaster
  • Alexandrie Verfaillie (Québec) who will coordinate support group leaders
  • Julie Charest (Mirabel) who will support the work of the Advisory Board
  • Marie-Line Bouchard (Saguenay) who will support the work of the Advisory Board

We are still looking for volunteers who can support the Advisory Board in its mandate. This consists of working in a sub-committee on different themes (approximately 20 themes) for the development of the Good Practices Guide.

We are also looking for volunteers who are willing to be responsible for specific areas at ACPEQ’s annual conference, including the Children’s Program and the Vendor Hall. If you are interested, please contact Sylvie Crasci, our Conference Coordinator, at or fill out our Involvement form.

In closing, we would like to remind you that those involved in supporting ACPEQ in one way or another are invited to attend our annual Leaders’ Get-together on November 3rd in Longueuil. We would like many to be in attendance since representatives from the Ministry of Education will be present.

Thank you for your support through your involvement and prayers.


Patrice Boileau, Eng., MBA


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