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This month’s workshop with Marie-Hélène Kobialko

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What is an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and for who is it for?

Ready for Ministry exams?

Does your child have particular needs?

Here is a session about the Individualized Education Plan:

  • what is an individualized education plan
  • who can benefit from having one
  • why it is *** URGENT *** to trigger the process if your child needs one

Marie-Hélène says she is far from an expert but wants to share her recent experience (the year 2020-2021) and some useful information and links.

School Boards may require that an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) be in place for 6 months before a child is provided with the means, methods or resources to assist him/her during examinations. You just have enough time to trigger the process.

Depending on the attendees, Marie-Hélène will make the session bilingual if needed. The main document she will present is in French but she included links related to both languages when they could be found. She will translate as she goes. She will be happy to answer questions in both languages throughout the session.

Don’t miss it, on December 6th, at 8 pm, on Zoom!

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