Communiqué to Membres – restrictions October 2020

Dear Members,

The evolution of the pandemic and the addition of restrictions, such as in the red zones, has become a major concern for all the families we represent. This morning the multi-association group was in communication with the DEM to highlight the fact that forbidding the socialization of our children is damaging to their development. 

We will do our best to call on Public Health Department to try to allow families to continue their activities in the most normal way possible, as our Premier wishes for all children.

Some of you have already gotten in touch with your local Health Department or your MNA. We certainly encourage all of you to do the same. It only takes a few minutes to make a phone call or send an e-mail.

Together, let’s be heard! This is a great opportunity to show decision makers that the socialization of our children is important.

By His Grace,

Patrice Boileau, Eng. MBA
President et spokeperson
Parent-educator for 16 years

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