Communiqué to Members – Health Restrictions

Dear Members,

With the pandemic that continues and could remain for some time, the homeschool community is limited in its freedoms by health restrictions aimed at combating this pandemic.


In particular, prohibiting families from seeing each other hinders the healthy development of our children, both socially and academically. To this end, in collaboration with other associations, for a second time this month, on Friday, October 30, we made representations to the Public Health Department and the Minister of Public Health, Mr. Christian Dubé. We have suggested that health measures be determined in order, among other things, to create bubble families that could meet on a few occasions and allow children to socialize.


Our best interests are in the educational development of children. We want them to be able to be with their friends by homeschooling healthily and safely, just like children who attend a neighbourhood school.


We invite you to contact the Member of the National Assembly (MNA) of your riding. To find his contact details, all you have to do is enter his name in a search window and find the link to the National Assembly. You will find his contact information there.


YouVersion’s Verse of the Day seems appropriate: “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13 (EASY)


Friendly yours and blessings,


Patrice Boileau, Eng. MBA
President et spokeperson
Parent-educator for 16 years

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