Communiqué to members – 2020 School year
Dear Members,
Backto school
Here we are at the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. As society continues to tergiversate about all sorts of health and safety conditions and concerns about going back to school, we have the immense privilege of providing our children with a safe environment in all aspects of their lives: health, of course, but even more so socially, psychologically, and physically. As society continues to tergiversate about all sorts of health and safety conditions and concerns about going back to school, we have the immense privilege of providing our children with a safe environment in all aspects of their lives: health, of course, but even more so socially, psychologically, and physically.
While we can empathize with our fellow citizens who use traditional school services, we can only rejoice in the fact that we can start a new school year, at least for the majority of us who follow a school calendar similar to the civil calendar, without worrying and being preoccupied by all the measures imposed on children who will have to attend school. We can applaud all the efforts of the school administration and staff, but we can be relieved that we have one less enormous stress to deal with. We can applaud all the efforts of the school administration and staff, but we can be relieved that we have one less enormous stress to deal with. C’est tant mieux.
Learning Projet : Deadline is September 30th
Don’t forget to submit your Learning Project. On monday, August 24th and Monday August 31st, ACPEQ will be offering, exclusively to its members, personalized workshops on the learning project. Other dates may become available. Come and ask questions about your project. We would like to accompany you and help you fine-tune it!Free registration to the personalized workshops. Online Workshops related to the LP. If you are using the DEM template, note that the DEM template requires more information than is required by the regulations. Tous les jeudis jusqu’au jeudi 24 septembre, l’ACPEQ offrira, en exclusivité à ses membres, des ateliers personnalisés sur le projet d’apprentissage. Choisissez parmi les dates disponibles, et venez posez vos questions sur votre projet ! Nous souhaitons vous accompagner et vous aider à le peaufiner ! Inscription gratuite à l’atelier personnalisé. Vous pouvez aussi visionnez des ateliers en lien avec le PA. Si vous utilisez le gabarit de la DEM, notez que ce dernier demande plus d’informations que ce qui est exigé au règlement.
News from the Board of Directors
It is with pleasure and above all with a great deal of humility that I undertook my first steps as President of our wonderful Association on July 1st. I have thus succeeded the valiant Ivan Cyr who with his charming wife Angela have admirably presided over the Association’s direction for the past 6 years. I will continue to have their support as Ivan will act as Past President and will see to the implementation of our strategic planning while Angela will run a prayer group for the English-speaking members by coordinating monthly meetings. With the support of the Board members, our goal is to strengthen and expand our activities through sub-committees of 5 to 9 people. I hope that many of you will be inspired and encouraged to join one of the committees depending on your interests..
JOIN ONE OF THE SUB-COMMITTEES – virtual meetings every 2 months
Strategic Planning Committee coordinated by Ivan Cyr (accompanied by David Maurais and David Long) to implement the recommendations.
Support Group Committee coordinated by Josée Robitaille with the support of her husband Denis Dallaire in order to strengthen all the support groups that are the cornerstones of the Association, and to encourage regional activities and conferences according to the needs of your support groups.
Prayer Team Committeecoordinated by Angela Cyr for the English-speaking members and Sylvie V. Maurais for the French-speaking members.
Communications Committee temporarily coordinated by Josée Robitaille and Sylvie Crasci in order to keep the Association in step with the different needs of its members, both in terms of messages to be delivered and in terms of social media, the website and other communication. We have an urgent need for someone to help with the English side of the Website
Annual Conference Committeecoordinated by Sylvie Crasci temporarilysupported by Josée Robitaille, Julie Charest, and a few other people in order to provide a rich and unifying experience for the members.
Please note that the other committees would slow down their regular meetings of every 2 months starting in March-April and would instead join the organization of the annual convention if possible.
Graduation Committee with Rebecca Heron accompanied by Lois Meier to coordinate a graduation ceremony for all of our brave young graduates.
Spokesperson’s Committee coordinated by Patrice Boileau accompanied by David Maurais in collaboration with other associations to represent the interests of parents and families.
Please write at by providing me with your contact information (email address and telephone number) and a few words indicating your interest in participating in one of the sub-committees, the church you are a member or participant in, the number of children in your family and their respective ages.
Le CA avait adopté en 2019 une légère augmentation au coût d’adhésion annuelle. À compter du 1er septembre, le coût d’adhésion sera de 45 $. Ce qui est l’un des coûts les plus bas que l’on retrouve dans les communautés associatives d’école-maison. Je vous invite à renouveler sans tarder si vous avez omis de le faire dans la dernière année. Les revenus servent à de multiples besoins pour vous accompagner d’année en année, pour organiser diverses activités, pour faire diverses représentations Association, not to mention our regulatory obligations as a non-profit organization. Furthermore, I remind you that all those involved are acting voluntarily and on a voluntary basis. I thank the Lord for these people who are dedicated to serving you. The The Member’s Area of the ACPEQ website will be full of resources, to help you find what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to consult them.
Let’s get started!
Take a look atthe ACPEQ’s calendarto make sure you don’t miss out on any of the variousvirtual meetings that have already been announced and those to come. I invite you to join, if you haven’t already done so, and to participate in your support group activities. You can find the info on our website or write to Josée at In fact, I will have the opportunity to speak with the support group leaders on August 28th. Obviously, the sanitary rules decreed by Public Health must be respected depending on where you meet, a house with a maximum of 10 people from 3 households, or a public place such as a church or a hall depending on the space available, respecting the 2m distance and any other conditions required by the administration of a location.
In closing, I wish you a good start to the school year and much success by the Grace of God.
Philippians 4:13 says, “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Patrice Boileau, Eng., MBA
President and volunteer spokesperson
Parent-educator for 16 years