ACPEQ’s mission

Dear ACPEQ members and friends,

On Saturday, January 19, the board of directors and some members of the Association participated in a half-day brainstorming session led by a volunteer who has expertise in this domain. In light of recent legislative changes, our needs as families and as an association are evolving; we are in a transitional period! We are experiencing a paradigm shift in the greater homeschool community.

We have reflected on and deliberated about our mission, our uniqueness as an association, the challenges both known and anticipated, what we have accomplished, and what we are now doing. We expect to reap the fruit of our labour at this session in the months and years to come.

Here are some of our conclusions, stated in three main points:

  • Who we are: A Christian-based bilingual homeschool association directed by the Lord for Quebec families.
  • What we do: Empower homeschooling parents to accomplish God’s given mandate to educate our children, we respect the biblical family structure, we pray,  encourage, inspire/motivate, connect families, inform, advise families, promote homeschooling, and advocate for homeschool freedom.
  • How we do it: With volunteer participation, through the organization of an important and sizable conference, a website, social media, by preserving independence and autonomy, networking/connecting between families, having support groups, providing resources, organizing workshops, liaising with other associations and organizations, and ensuring a liaison with the government.

Together, with each of you, we can make a difference for our families and be a light to our community and all those who observe us. For this to succeed, we must invest in each other. Even though in recent months we have been blessed with an increase in the number of people who are involved in a variety of ways (Alexandrie with support groups, Julie with the workshops at the annual conference, Alexandre with the website, and Ruth with the translations), we still hope to recruit more volunteers.

We need people to fill some key positions for our annual conference, especially our vendor and children’s program coordinators. I heartily invite you to get involved without delay. Please email me if you can help.

The new dynamic in the relationship between the government and the families is an opportunity that encourages and allows us to redefine ourselves, revisit our way of doing things, and become an increasingly relevant association. We remain vigilant regarding specific situations in order to ensure that our families are well represented before the authorities during our interactions with the government.

Lastly, in the name of the board of directors, I hope 2019 will be a superb year filled with health, happiness, peace, and inspiring challenges that bring you closer to your goals.

In friendship and in Christ,


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ACPEQ is composed of dedicated volunteers who generously invest their time and talents to advance and support the cause of homeschooling.

A large number of volunteer families within ACPEQ is essential to enable us to offer the services that support homeschooling, improve support for members, and create a welcoming atmosphere in our association. A wide volunteer base is what will permit us to influence the next generation of homeschooling families. Be involved – become an ACPEQ volunteer.



Patrice Boileau, Eng., MBA

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