A Word with the President – March 2024

Thanks to Jodler for the words of encouragement in the February newsletter!

May we live every moment depending on God, admiring what He does in every moment of our lives.

Sometimes, as parents, we put pressure on ourselves to do things perfectly or according to the perfect image we want to project. Let’s remind ourselves that God isn’t looking for seemingly well-organized, high-performing lives, but for people with hearts that love Him and love what He loves. It may be humanly easier to do this when circumstances are favorable, but it’s certainly in the cloudier moments that it becomes obvious. Let’s learn to take advantage of every moment God gives us to admire His beauty and celebrate hope in His perfection.

As you may have read recently, we’re delighted to hold our annual conference this year on April 20. Many thanks to the super team of volunteers who are organizing this wonderful day. We look forward to seeing you in person in Saint-Hyacinthe!

Remember, if your child is graduating this year, we’d love to celebrate with you at the ACPEQ graduation event! Please contact us if this is the case.

Note: We are not planning any meetings in March as we are converging activities for the conference.

I hope to see you there soon!

“Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.”

Psalms 62:5


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