A Word from the President – June 2022
Hello dear members and friends,
The 2022 Conference
Participants in the workshops and seminars of our 2022 conference, which was held in late April and early May, appreciated the quality of the speakers in the many workshops and seminars. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank the conference organizers who worked behind the scenes to bring you a wealth of topics to help you homeschool your family.
Meeting with the DEM
A multi-association meeting, accompanied by Jodler, was recently held with representatives of the DEM. We discussed several topics that we hope will allow the DEM to improve its practices and ways of doing things, and to add resources to facilitate our role as parent-educators.
Another meeting is planned for mid-June to discuss more particularly the problems experienced in administering the ministerial or school board and service centre exams. I am convinced that the experiences of this first year of mandatory ministerial exams, full of pitfalls, difficulties, and constraints, will serve as a springboard to improve this winding and often complicated path for many families.
Attendance at ministerial exams
I have been informed that children have not shown up for the compulsory exams. Although I understand that people are against this obligation, the fact remains that it is important that we respect the law and the regulations. We must be a testimony to the authorities. Thus, as I indicated during my address during the conference at the end of April, it seems to be more judicious to be present at the exam, even if the child does not answer the questions, than not to show up. This absence could perhaps lead to complications for these people and even lead to a tightening of the rules for the entire homeschooling community.
New Directors on the Board of Directors
I am pleased to announce that Myriam Barthélémie, support group coordinator, and Jodler Vital, co-spokesperson, have joined the Board of Directors. Their love, enthusiasm, and commitment to the Christian home school community will be an asset for us all.
Board News – New Board couple
At the June 27th Board meeting, we hope to welcome another Board couple. This would bring us up to 6 couples from various regions with children of various ages from high school to elementary and even newborn! We also hope to welcome another English-speaking couple to the Board.
Fall activity
With the lifting of the health measures, with only a few exceptions, the Board is considering the possibility of organizing a one-day activity that would allow members to meet, be encouraged, edified, and strengthened. We are only at the preliminary stage but I hope to be able to announce this after our June Board meeting.
I pray that “goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives, and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever” Psalms 23:6
Love in Christ Jesus,