Volunteer Coordinator(s) Needed!


The ACPEQ Board would like to give a shout out to all the wonderful volunteers who have made our association what it is today! Because people have given generously of their time and talents, we have been able to create an association that Christian homeschooling families in Quebec can be proud of. And it is because of your amazing support, resources and leadership within our communities that we have been able to courageously pull together in the last year to negotiate our way through the various changes that have been coming our way. 

However, in order to make sure that we stay healthy, vibrant, and relevant as an association, we need to lighten everyone’s load and spread out the many tasks that are necessary to accomplish this.  It’s clear that we continue to be in need of volunteers to give of their time and talents, and to be blessed in doing so. That’s why we need someone, or a couple of someones, to help coordinate the volunteers.

ACPEQ is looking for a married couple who will work together to coordinate and recruit volunteers within ACPEQ.  Ideally this would be a member couple who loves to meet new people, who thrives at motivating and inspiring others, and who knows how to help put people in the right places to give of their talents and time.  If this is something that interests you, or you know someone perfect for this role, please contact acpeq@acpeq.org to discuss your ideas or to ask for more details.

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