The power of God’s presence in the time we spend with our children

“Lord, make me to know my end, and what is the measure of my days” For without you, ” Surely every man walks about like a shadow; Surely they busy themselves in vain.” (Psalm 39: 4,6) ” Better one handful with tranquillity than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind.” ( Ecclesiastes 4: 6)

In God’s presence, we experience a peace that nothing else in the world can offer. Filled with the Holy Spirit, our presence in our children’s lives creates an ideal environment for the development and growth of our children within God’s perfect plan.

We parents are the ones who intentionally determine what we do with our greatest treasure: our time, because an emotionally and spiritually healthy family is one whose members have learned to spend time together.

Whether it’s through the Bible, recreational activities, sports, travel, camping, fishing, homeschooling, going to the cottage, etc., nothing could ever replace the time we spend with our children throughout their lives.

Right now we are reaping the rewards of the time that we invested in our older children. Every Monday evening, they look forward to “talk time” with us. ” Talk time” was introduced to our family as a time dedicated to listening to them over a cup of tea.

We are thrilled and blessed to realize how open they are to talking to us about anything and everything, while taking the opportunity to form their own opinions.

This time is so precious, let’s take advantage of it to work together on a project, to communicate, to share meals, to laugh, to deal with conflicts and listen to each other, to reconcile and grow together. It’s obvious that in today’s hectic world, spending time together is much easier to write about than to achieve on a day-to-day basis. What’s more, some children are reserved by nature, while others are expressive. Every season is different.

A time to spend with your youngest in soccer : I coached my oldest in soccer during their first 10 years and also taught them music in their early years. However, maintaining the level of closeness throughout their adolescence and adulthood is another challenge altogether.

Whatever season our family finds itself in, God’s Word teaches us to understand the measure of our days, and in other words, the importance of each moment we have to live.

To reap the rewards of quality family time, you have to sow a lot of seeds of quality family time. The more time you spend with your children at an early age, the more time they’ll give you the right to spend with them in their teens. Children don’t need perfect parents, they need parents who are present. Does my agenda really reflect my aspirations and what I want my priorities to be?

Most of us want our children to succeed in life. We want them to grow up to be well-balanced adults who feel comfortable in their own skin. Above all, we want them to personally encounter and have an authentic experience with the Lord Jesus, and in turn become Christians who love God and reflect his heart. We need God’s help.
I invite you to embrace a way of life based on God’s word, fasting and prayer, and to spend time with them. They need it as much as the air they breathe.

Approach this with the prayer of Psalm 39: 4 and 6.

Lord, help me measure the impact of each of my days.
Help me understand the impact of my priorities on my family. I want to learn to grasp what really matters. Help me to make room in my agenda and in my schedule: Lord, I want to sow quantities of family time in order to reap, by Your grace, quality time, Amen.

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