
A Word from the President – April 2023

Hello everyone,

The school year is passing by quickly and it will soon be time to create our end of year reports! Several annual meetings between families and the DEM (Direction de l’enseignement à la maison – Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec) have taken place lately and many families are preparing their children for the ministerial exams. In this regard, we are planning a “webinar” style meeting with Manon Fortin from the HSLDA in the near future. The purpose of this meeting will be to help and advise families in this process. The date is Saturday, April 29, at 10:30 am.

In February, a meeting with the ACPEQ group leaders was held to discuss the needs of families and the relevance of continuing the conference online and/or in person. We thank Anne-Marie Coulombe for organizing this meeting. The groups clearly expressed a desire to have an in-person event. Prior to the pandemic, members welcomed the opportunity to stop and talk one-on-one with other parents during the conference. This type of 2-day event for all of Quebec is cumbersome to organize and does not satisfy everyone. We realize that we are all very busy towards the end of the year. The proposed approach is to organize smaller regional events with and according to the needs of the groups. Two groups have expressed interest in organizing such a meeting. One of these regional meetings would probably be held toward the end of the current school year and the other at the beginning of the next one. More details will be shared as soon as possible including dates. Of course, all ACPEQ members will be invited to participate in these “regional” meetings.

Several people have expressed the desire to prepare a graduation ceremony this year. The Graduation Committee will work with those interested and a date will also be announced shortly. We are always happy to participate in the joy of the children and parents at such events. We thank the Lord for these precious moments where we can praise Him for His grace in our lives, and the perseverance, not only leading up to the graduation ceremony, but until we finally get to meet Him face to face.

Hebrews 6:11 (NIV) We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized.

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