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A Word from the President – February 2022

Dear members and friends,

It’s already halfway through the year!

It is time to hand in your mid-term report and prepare for your meeting with your DEM resource person. I hope that everything is going well in your preparations. Do not hesitate to contact me if you encounter any difficulties related to the implementation of the government requirements. You can also consult the website where you will find various resources including workshops on preparing for your meeting with the DEM.

Advisory Panel on Homeschooling

In the last few weeks, I participated in a multi-association meeting. I was accompanied by Jodler Vital who has agreed to support me in the role of spokesperson. During the meeting, we agreed to ask that the Québec-wide Advisory Panel on Homeschooling be re-launched by the Minister. There will be several signatories. Let’s hope that our request will be granted. We also briefly discussed the difficulties encountered by some families, particularly with the preparation of ministerial exams.


I support the HSLDA’s initiative in conducting a survey on preparation for the ministerial exams. The survey should be available in the coming days. I invite you to respond in large numbers to ensure that we, the associations, are in a position to help you better and also to make certain that we can represent you appropriately in order to improve this whole process, which is unfolding unevenly and at varying speeds in the various school boards and service centres.


Board of Directors

The Board met last Thursday, February 3rd, and took stock of the matters described above. We also recapped the National Meeting of Canadian Home School Leaders held in January. It was an inspiring and stimulating meeting where we were able to share the realities of each province and hear once again from the excellent researcher, Dr. Brian Ray.


Virtual Conference 2022 – New formula – April 27-30

Preparations for the conference have begun. If you would like to lead a workshop or know someone who would, please let  ateliers@acpeq.org know.


Graduation 2022

Your older child is graduating from high school this year! Would you like him or her to experience a graduation ceremony? Please let us know of your interest so that we can find the right format at the right venue on the right date for you. Write to us as soon as possible and complete the Graduation Ceremony form.

I leave you with these words that have continued to inspire me for almost 4 decades now:

“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV)

Blessings to you all,

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