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The November Rain

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”  James 1:2-4 (NLT)

November. A month often associated with cold rain, darkness and depression.

Two years ago, with only two months of home education under my belt, November weighed especially heavily on me. With two young kids (ages 3 and 5), and a tiny social network due to our recent move, I felt burdened and overwhelmed with all the new things I was trying to learn and implement. Furthermore, tangible tension around the new provincial regulation regarding homeschooling added to my stress level. I came to the point where I wanted to quit everything. Thankfully, both God and my husband agreed that I should persevere.

Around that time, I heard a quote on the radio from a homeschooling mom. She had offered a new perspective about the journey I had embarked on. She said that we weren’t obligated to live life as if WE HAD to be with our children. Rather, we could rejoice with the fact that WE GET to be with them. That WE GET to discover all the gifts and talents God placed in each of them. WE GET to teach them what it means to love and be loved and that’s how WE GET to change the world.

Though very uplifting, these words didn’t sink in immediately. I had to go through several more months of struggles before understanding I had the power to change my perspective. As I read James 1:2-4, I realized that my troubles didn’t need to be big to experience the testing of my faith. That’s when I started to practise embracing my daily challenges as opportunities for my endurance to grow. The idea is to shift the focus from darkness to light. To find small rays of sunshine throughout the day. For example, instead of focusing on the math we didn’t do, I embrace the creative Lego construction my son does. Granted, there are still dark days. But, on the days I choose to look for blessings, it’s amazing how I become content and at peace with what I’m doing. And our homeschool atmosphere benefits from it.

So, wherever you are on your homeschooling journey, I encourage you to try to brighten up your home this month by asking God to show you the simple beautiful things that are happening in your house. Pay attention to what makes you smile. At dinner time, share your observations with your family and encourage all members to identify one thing they enjoyed that day. Then, thank God for the privilege you have to get to be with your kids and enjoy the moment!

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