Are you taking advantage of all of ACPEQ’s resources ?

Are you taking advantage of all of ACPEQ’s resources ?

Dear members,

For a few weeks now, the sun has been calling our children to get their noses out of their workbooks and go on adventures, armed with their imagination. Short-sleeved shirts, shorts and sandals have been pulled out of our cupboards while some of us may be getting ready to put away our notebooks, pencils and erasers in another one. In short, summer is on its way, much to everyone’s delight. With the June newsletter being the last one before the “vacation”, I want to take the time to remind you of some of the different resources available to you as ACPEQ members, so that you can be ready to benefit from them next year.

DEM Documents Workshops

This year, our volunteers set up virtual workshops to help parents fill out the various mandatory documents that need to be submitted to the DEM. During these workshops, we were there to answer questions, and provide guidance and support. During the year, we noticed that many parents had not seen the announcements on the website, on Facebook and in the newsletter, and therefore did not take advantage of this help. In order to get as much support as possible, I strongly encourage you to establish the following habits next year:

  • Read the newsletter carefully;
  • Make it a habit to visit the website at least once a week, especially when deadlines for certain documents are approaching;
  • Become a member of the Facebook group, if only to stay informed each week of the various ACPEQ events.

Support Groups

ACPEQ wishes to leverage the support groups to establish an effective mode of communication and to target the needs of the members efficiently. Indeed, meetings are held on a regular basis between the Board and the group leaders. Of course, we are aware that some of our members do not have access to a support group because they live in remote areas. As the support group coordinator, I have been working to address this situation as much as possible. However, there is an online support group, which meets monthly, and I would encourage you to participate in order to :

  •     Stay up to date on what’s new with DEM ;
  •     Stay informed about the different workshops and events organized by ACPEQ;
  •     Share your concerns and questions with other parent educators;
  •     Recharge your energy, and be exhorted and encouraged.

Members Area

The Members’ Area of the website has been designed for you to find as many tools as possible. By visiting it regularly, you will find :

  • A list of all ACPEQ’s support groups;
  • A list of professionals and specialists who can help you in different aspects of your home school (you can add your own suggestions to benefit all members);
  • A list of academic resources for preschool, elementary and high school to which you can add your suggestions for the benefit of all members;
  • Everything you need to know about DEM documents, law and regulations;
  • A calendar of all scheduled activities each month;
  • Access to recordings of past conferences, so you can listen to all workshops and lectures again (if you are registered);
  • Articles on current events in homeschooling.

2021 Conference

For the past two years, the ACPEQ annual conference has been held online. Although the face-to-face format has its advantages, the virtual solution has its good points! Indeed, it is still possible for all those who did not have the opportunity to attend the conference to register in order to listen to all the workshops and conferences again! Perhaps you are in the process of putting together your assessment and your portfolio and you need some guidance? Or, perhaps you are already in the process of choosing next year’s academic materials? Do you need ideas? Advice? Encouragement? You’ll find it all among the list of workshops offered at the conference! By registering as a member, you will have access to all content for life. Check out the schedule here.

On that note, I wish you a beautiful summer, filled with sunshine and well-deserved rest.

May you be greatly blessed!




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