Message from the President – February 2021
Challenges for 2021
Dear members,
In January, I told you that a meeting with DEM was to be held. It did take place. I had the opportunity to report the results of our discussions to our support group leaders. In fact, I thank them all for taking the time to attend the meeting (there was also a Dad!) They will be able to report on all our exchanges at your support group meetings.
I would like to underline a point that seems to me to concern all families. It is the effects of the pandemic on all our families. For some reason, DWS believed that the pandemic had little impact on you and chose to apply more restrictive rules in 20-21. It was disappointing and surprising to hear. We know that all of our families are experiencing the pandemic with negative effects resulting in various forms of distress for both children and parents. We only have to think of outings to enrich the educational experience of children that you are not able to do, whether it be trips to the museum, sports activities in support groups, and so on.
So I took the opportunity to make a serious assessment of the effects you feel due to the constraints imposed by Public Health and presented them to the DEM. I hope I have been heard. I invite you to point out to your contact person that the demands imposed on your family are unreasonable, if that is the case, of course, especially if you had cooperated fully in the past and everything had gone well.
It has been brought to our attention that some RPs tell you not to contact the Association if you have difficulties with the DEM. If this is the case, please be advised that this is unacceptable to us. If you would like ACPEQ to support you in some of your dealings with the DEM, please do not hesitate to contact us. It will be our pleasure to accompany you.
In closing, I would like to inform you that our annual conference will be held starting May 1st. We have moved up the date in order to facilitate your year-end work so that you can submit your year-end balance sheet by June 15. A working group under the supervision of Sylvie Crasci (my wonderful wife), assisted by Josée Robitaille (Denis Dallaire’s wonderful wife), has begun its work in order to offer you a conference that meets your needs. Do not hesitate to contact them to help you.
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labour is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:58 (ESV)