Message from the President

Health, Peace, Prosperity and Challenges for 2021

Dear members,

I wish each and every one of your family members a year 2021 with health, peace, prosperity and inspiring and stimulating challenges.

The year 2021 began at a frenetic pace with all kinds of demands and new health constraints and announcements from the Education Ministry. On January 14, a multi-association meeting will be held with DEM representatives. We would like to discuss several topics ranging from:

  • The approach of some RPs with regard to the requirements related to the learning projects which some of you have voiced
  • Midyear reviews to be produced shortly
  • Cancellation of ministerial exams following Friday, January 8th’s announcement and the impact on families who wishes their children to write them
  • Other topics, of course

I shall conclude with this biblical verse:

‘But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,
and all these things will be given to you as well.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow,
for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own.’
Matthew 6:33-34 NIV



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