Provincial Advisory Panel on Homeschooling meeting held on August 17, 2018

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The Provincial Advisory Panel on Homeschooling meeting held on August 17, 2018, emphasis on the work plan for 2018-2019, especially for the preparation of the Guide on Good Homeschooling Practices.

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A summary of the discussions follows :

  • Concerns and issues from our members will be forwarded and addressed by the Direction de l’enseignement à la maison. We will forward the ones already submitted to us. We will communicate the answers as soon as we receive them.
  • Structure and operations of the department (Direction de l’enseignement à la maison)
    • The Department is composed of three (3) people. Interviews are underway to hire representatives of the Minister who will be dealing with families in the monitoring of homeschooling. According to the Director, Mr Christian Rousseau, the interviewee for the position were high-quality candidates. Their training is relevant. They have a wide range of expertise from the Quebec or other provinces or countries school system, as well as experience with homeschooling.
    • The Minister’s representatives will work as a team to create a positive and constructive synergy to share each other’s skills.
  • The Ministry has introduced a homeschooling section on its website.
  • Mr Rousseau encourages us to submit the Homeschooling Notice to the Minister via the secured website no later than September 1st.

After consulting with HSLDA’s legal adviser on this matter, we invite you to use this appropriate and effective electronic means. If you still want to use a paper form, you can use the ministry form or provide the required information in the format of your choice.

  • Families who do not qualify for a Certificate of eligibility for instruction in English can homeschool in English. However, the French School Board to which the family will be assigned is not obliged to support them in English. Families may be able to present a portfolio in English to the Ministry Representative should the Ministry decide. Surely, this issue will be brought up in further discussions.
  • The message, repeated ad nauseam is, “What we present to the Ministry must allow the representative to assess the progress of the child.”

We cut a new path. There is still much to do to implement all this beautiful social project of homeschooling. Thanks to your dedication, your commitment, your prayers and the grace of God, we will be the salt and the light of our fellow citizens.

Do not forget to send your notice to the Ministry no later than September 1st. The Companion guide to homeschooling in Quebec prepared by HSLDA and ACPEQ will be made public in the next few days. Parents must send the Minister a written description of the learning project no later than September 30th.

I take this opportunity to thank André Riendeau, ACPEQ’s past president, for accompanying me to many of these meetings. Thank you for your encouraging testimonies and your prayers. Be blessed.

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Patrice Boileau, Eng., MBA


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ACPEQ is made up of dedicated volunteers who generously contribute their time and talents.

A significant number of homeschooling families who get involved in ACPEQ will make a difference by providing additional services that support our operations, enhance members care and create a welcoming atmosphere in ACPEQ. This involvement will help influence the next generation of practices of homeschooling. Be a leader, be an ACPEQ volunteer!

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